Our Philosophy of Care
Roxy Ann Memory Community was established to be the Premier Alzheimer’s Endorsed Memory Community in the Rogue Valley
Our goal is to provide compassionate care in a home-like environment to those afflicted with Alzheimer's disease or any form of dementia. We seek to celebrate the life of the resident and come alongside the family as we provide care. For those without a family, we will seek to become advocate and surrogate family. We recognize that individuals affected with dementia remain valuable human beings with a life, a history, a family, and a story.
Roxy Ann Memory Community is distinguished from other facilities by our implementation of the core principles and concepts of the Eden Alternative. The concepts of the Eden Alternative allow us to transform the care environment into a habitat for human beings that promotes a quality of life for all involved: Elders, their Loved Ones, and those who collaborate with them as care partners.
Life without purpose leads to boredom.
Life without community leads to isolation.
A life devoid of purpose and community leads to hopelessness
Boredom, loneliness, and hopelessness are the three plagues of Alzheimer disease. At Roxy Ann Memory Community we endeavor to engage people in a life of purpose.
Our community is vibrant and full of life. We are a home where residents and staff interact in a life together, bringing purpose and hope to all who enter our doors.
We are inter-generational and you will see many children and teens interacting with our Elders. Families are encouraged to join with us on a regular basis. At Roxy Ann the emphasis is not just on the proper care of the human body but also the proper care of the human spirit.